Using music as a creative expression of your brand

VP Global Brand Director essence Cosmetics at Cosnova, Kristin Jaskolka, known for revolutionizing the cosmetic market with unique products at an excellent price-performance ratio, delves into the creative use of music as a brand expression. Discover how music can forge emotional connections with consumers, enhance brand storytelling, and create a consistent musical identity across various marketing channels. Explore successful examples of brands effectively leveraging music to resonate with their target audience and strengthen brand recall.
About the speaker

Kristin Jaskolka


 - Cosnova

Kristin Jaskolka is VP Global Brand Director essence Cosmetics at Cosnova

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Integrating a "hero product" into brand campaigns
    Discusses the impact on consumer perception and brand positioning.
  • 07:45
    Successful examples of hero product incorporation in marketing
    Highlights brands effectively using a hero product in strategies.
  • 15:20
    Utilizing data analytics for hero product integration
    Explores the role of data in identifying effective approaches.


  • "Apple reinvigorated themselves with the iPod, turning around the brand with one hero product." - Kristin Jaskolka

  • "Marketers going back to core DNA and switching up products can create demand." - Kristin Jaskolka

  • "Coloring a product bright pink can reinvigorate a hero product and create desirability." - Kristin Jaskolka

About the speaker

Kristin Jaskolka


 - Cosnova

Kristin Jaskolka is VP Global Brand Director essence Cosmetics at Cosnova

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