Why legacy brands are falling behind

Agency Partnerships Manager at TikTok, Taylor Roy, delves into the topic of agency partnerships and brand collaborations in the digital marketing landscape. In this episode, Taylor shares her perspectives on why legacy brands are falling behind and the evolution of marketing and advertising.
About the speaker

Taylor Roy

TikTok / Personal Advertising Consultant

 - TikTok / Personal Advertising Consultant

Taylor Roy is Agency Partnerships Manager at TikTok

Show Notes

  • 00:45
    Challenges faced by legacy brands in adapting to market trends
    Discussion on common obstacles and strategies for legacy brands to stay relevant.
  • 05:12
    Leveraging history and reputation while innovating for competitiveness
    Exploring how legacy brands can balance tradition with innovation to remain competitive.
  • 10:28
    Successful strategies for revitalizing brand image and engaging consumers
    Insights into modern brand strategies to resonate with new consumer generations.


  • "Modern brands implement strategies to resonate with new consumers." - Taylor Roy

  • "Legacy brands can leverage history while innovating to stay competitive." - Taylor Roy

  • "Digital marketing and social media are key in rebranding efforts." - Taylor Roy

About the speaker

Taylor Roy

TikTok / Personal Advertising Consultant

 - TikTok / Personal Advertising Consultant

Taylor Roy is Agency Partnerships Manager at TikTok

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