Zynga’s battle to defeat tired gamer stereotypes — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Gabrielle Heyman

- Part 1 Zynga’s battle to defeat tired gamer stereotypes — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
- Part 2Maybelline Mascara’s hyper-casual game strategy — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Show Notes
02:56Mobile gaming and the world of ads and targetability explainedGaming is not all that different from ad-supported streamers. For example, Hulu has an option to pay to avoid all ads. There are in-app purchases for the mobile games business, and that's one of the ways that you can pay.
05:07Surprising things about gamersMobile gaming has a slight index towards females, just like console has an index towards males. Also, many people who play mobile games daily don't consider themselves gamers.
06:46Advertising inside mobile games, the Maybelline campaign exampleMaybelline is leveraging the mass-market appeal of gaming to reach young female gamers. Zynga is helping to bring the brand to where the audience already is through a game experience called playable that's served in an ad unit.
11:16Insights into gamers' behavior, ad units that convert, and moreGamers are receptive to ad messages because games are a stress-free zone and are excellent consumers. On the brand side, retail and CPG partners lean on the banner, which is still a trendy and effective ad unit in terms of audience.
15:01Where are marketers getting it wrong with mobile audiences?Gaming on mobile is a huge underutilized opportunity.
17:26Why many marketers are wrongly yet to add mobile games into their media buying mixBecause many people do not consider themselves gamers, in-game advertising hasn't made it into the media mix modeling with brands.
"Gaming is not all that different from streamers and ad-supported streamers. There are many commonalities because many platforms, for example, Hulu, has an option to pay to avoid all ads. Or a middle range of pay, some or all ads supported." - Gabrielle Heyman
"There's a value exchange between playing this free entertainment experience, and in exchange, I see ads. I think consumers are comfortable with that model." - Gabrielle Heyman
"I think that at Zynga and probably at some of these other platforms that have partially subscription-based and partially add ad revenue generating, you probably make more money overall with subs. But advertising is an essential primary source of revenue for all of these companies." - Gabrielle Heyman
"Mobile gaming has a slight index towards females, and just like console has an index towards males, but some men play mobile games, and there are women that play console games." - Gabrielle Heyman
"Gaming is mass-market entertainment bigger than movies and music combined. For Gen Z, it is the preferred form of entertainment, and TV and movies are way down the list. The younger you are, the more you're doing it." - Gabrielle Heyman
"We have a studio in-house called Studio E. They are a game studio dedicated to making games for brands. One of the games they made was this mascara match game from Maybelline. It's a classic match; you make different matches, showcasing three other mascara brands. And then, of course, when you finish the game, there's a video to see more about the campaign and the product attributes, and you can go ahead and buy right there." - Gabrielle Heyman
"Our strategy has been to bring the brand to where the audience already is. We make a game experience called playable that's served in an ad unit. It is like a 30-seconds engaging experience for the brand. For Maybelline, we're serving it in these contextually relevant titles with the audience and the theme they're going after." - Gabrielle Heyman
"My suggestion for brands is in your surveys, don't ask, "are you a gamer?" Say, do you play games on your mobile phone? And how often? Because a significant percentage of people with mobile devices play daily on their phones but do not consider themselves gamers." - Gabrielle Heyman
- Part 1 Zynga’s battle to defeat tired gamer stereotypes — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
- Part 2Maybelline Mascara’s hyper-casual game strategy — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Up Next:
Part 1Zynga’s battle to defeat tired gamer stereotypes — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Gaming is a stress-free zone where gamers are more receptive to ad messages and convert at a high level. Top brands like Maybelline are taking advantage, but many stereotypes are putting off so many brands. For one, there are more female than male mobile game players. Many mobile game players do not consider themselves gamers, so many brands miss the chance to add in-game ads to their media buying mix. Zynga is changing that narrative and opening up the space. Find out more in this conversation as Gabrielle Heyman, the Global Head of Brand Partnerships at Zynga, discusses how Zynga is defeating gamer stereotypes.
Part 2Maybelline Mascara’s hyper-casual game strategy — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
You've heard a lot about Netflix. You've heard a lot about advertising channels, but have you heard about these in-game ads? They're everywhere, but many media buyers miss the boat on potential mobile app gaming advertising opportunities. At the same time, other brands do things successfully in this space. What's in the world of in-game advertising, and how is Zynga helping brands take advantage? Find out more in this conversation as Gabrielle Heyman, the Global Head of Brand Partnerships at Zynga, discusses how Zynga is changing the ad world and how to leverage mobile games app advertising.
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