Maybelline Mascara’s hyper-casual game strategy — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Gabrielle Heyman

- Part 1Zynga’s battle to defeat tired gamer stereotypes — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
- Part 2 Maybelline Mascara’s hyper-casual game strategy — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Show Notes
03:14Which mobile gaming ad units are media buyers missing out on?In-game videos. There are two types of in-game videos, and one is like a Midroll, an interstitial, and it is like a commercial break. And then there's also rewarded video.
05:34Are players paying for games or trading the value of ads, and what does that mean for brands?The majority, 90% of people, are not paying for games., yet it is a multi-multibillion-dollar revenue industry from just this sub-segment of 10% of people paying two bucks to get whatever they're getting in the game.
06:58The best category of brands that appeal to gamersFor in-game video ads, brands in entertainment, broadcast, streamers, insurance, telco tech, and CPG have successfully advertised to game players.
10:08As a CMO of a CPG with 10 million to spend on advertising, where should you be putting that money if your demographic is female, 25 to 35, and U.S based?Start by targeting endemic entertainment platforms.
"There are two types of in-game videos. One is like a Midroll, an interstitial, and it is like a commercial break. And then there's also rewarded video, and rewarded video is where you get something in the game for watching the video. There are a lot of advantages to mobile video. One of the significant differences is when watching TV, there are multiple commercials in a pod. In gaming, there's one. You're seeing one ad at a time. It's putting you front and center." - Gabrielle Heyman
"The majority, 90% of people, are not paying for games. And what's so interesting is that it is like a multi-multibillion-dollar revenue industry from just this sub-segment of 10% of people paying two bucks to get whatever they're getting in the game. And, you know, the rest are grinding it out viewing ads." - Gabrielle Heyman
"How long can in-game video ads be? The best practice in a gaming environment is not to have it be more than 15 seconds, especially for that mid-interstitial type of unit." - Gabrielle Heyman
"There is a Tripoly right now of meta, Amazon, and Google, and that's not the only places your consumers are, and that's not the only places to reach your consumer." - Gabrielle Heyman
"Mobile is mid-funnel almost because it's branding, but you can convert. In mobile, the audiences are there, but the budget allocation is not. Also, there is a ton of performance marketing. And that is another thing that confuses brands, but gaming is a mass market entertainment platform and a great place for brands." - Gabrielle Heyman
"Many CPM-centered clients like CPG tend to be very centered on low CPMs, and they're buying a ton of banners because they have low CPMs, and they're also buying videos. But if they do an integration, the ECPM tends to be low because you're getting so much engagement and touchpoints in a well-thought-out integration that the ECPM is pretty low. We even see conversion there." - Gabrielle Heyman
"Let's take out what we suppose things are and what maybe we learned in our first media job and see that things are different now. How consumers consume is different. The simple line blurb between performance and branding and what sits in which bucket might not be so neat anymore. We have to think outside the bucket." - Gabrielle Heyman
- Part 1Zynga’s battle to defeat tired gamer stereotypes — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
- Part 2 Maybelline Mascara’s hyper-casual game strategy — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Up Next:
Part 1Zynga’s battle to defeat tired gamer stereotypes — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
Gaming is a stress-free zone where gamers are more receptive to ad messages and convert at a high level. Top brands like Maybelline are taking advantage, but many stereotypes are putting off so many brands. For one, there are more female than male mobile game players. Many mobile game players do not consider themselves gamers, so many brands miss the chance to add in-game ads to their media buying mix. Zynga is changing that narrative and opening up the space. Find out more in this conversation as Gabrielle Heyman, the Global Head of Brand Partnerships at Zynga, discusses how Zynga is defeating gamer stereotypes.
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Part 2Maybelline Mascara’s hyper-casual game strategy — Gabrielle Heyman // Zynga
You've heard a lot about Netflix. You've heard a lot about advertising channels, but have you heard about these in-game ads? They're everywhere, but many media buyers miss the boat on potential mobile app gaming advertising opportunities. At the same time, other brands do things successfully in this space. What's in the world of in-game advertising, and how is Zynga helping brands take advantage? Find out more in this conversation as Gabrielle Heyman, the Global Head of Brand Partnerships at Zynga, discusses how Zynga is changing the ad world and how to leverage mobile games app advertising.