Podcast Episodes

Dan Ben-Nun | Adspace Agency
Killing it with Rip Van Wafles — Dan Ben-Nun // Adspace Agency
When most consumers want to buy a sweet, packaged good, like a candy bar, they're not typically doing this online. How does a brand overcome this challenge and sell directly to consumers? Also, such products have low order value; how do you increase the order value to cover the cost of customer acquisition and still…
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Lanie Shalek | Jobi
Building celebrity brands — Lanie Shalek // Jobi
Celebrity and brand partnerships can be an expensive slippery slope, especially if there's no product-celebrity fit. How do you identify products for the right celebrity? What should your go-to-market strategy be in a saturated market? Who better to learn these things from than someone who has been finding the proper product categories, matching them to…
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